The Japan Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons plans to draft recommendations through this Forum on several themes. Experts are preparing initial drafts in advance, and we hope to incorporate broad perspectives from citizens through this Forum. On February 9, the second day of the Forum, discussions to share opinions on each draft recommendations will be held in Room 219. This will be in person only, without online streaming, and will be held in a closed format with the content of discussions not to be made public or reported in the media.
Those interested are encouraged to read the draft recommendations below and participate. Click here for information on the times and speakers for each discussion session (in the “Exhibitions and Workshops” section of this website.)
- Draft Recommendations on Nuclear Victim Assistance (to be submitted to the Third Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW 3MSP)
- Draft Recommendations on Universalization of the TPNW (to be submitted to the (TPNW 3MSP)
- Draft Recommendations on Nuclear Disarmament in East Asia
You are also welcome to send comments on these draft recommendations by e-mail to: